
Author Archives: Adventures in Hifi Audio

The State Of Independence – Northern Sounds 4 – Voodoo Soup Record Shop Belfast

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This is the fourth in a series of occasional articles about record shops in Northern Ireland, and the focus this time round is Voodoo Soup Records who can be found at – 17 Winetavern Street BT1 1JQ near Smithfield market Belfast.

Voodoo Soup takes its name from the Jimi Hendrix compilation album of the same name, and offers a pretty comprehensive stock of vinyl records in many genres, from Rock to Pop to Jazz to Blues, and many others. The store is well set out, neat and tidy, brightly lit (1) and every item is nicely presented and clearly priced. While Voodoo Soup does sell CDs the main focus is very much on vinyl.

It was also nice to see in these Covid 19 days customer numbers limiting in force (4 only allowed inside at any time), a sanitising station at the door, and staff wearing face masks. I felt safe within the store and I appreciate the efforts made to keep myself and other customers as safe as is possible – I wore a face mask myself to do likewise.


Marion who works in the store is friendly, very approachable, passionate, knowledgeable and justly proud of Voodoo Soup, very much her baby in regards to how she runs and maintains it. The store has a nice audio system to let customers hear a record they might be interested in purchasing.


I was delighted to see that Voodoo Soup has a very important, very necessary item in the store, a record cleaning machine (no lighter fluid cleaning here, applied by a dirty rag, thank goodness) and a machine of good quality. It never fails to amaze me the number of record stores that don’t – shame on you – and well done Voodoo Soup.

The store is spilt into Four sections with the the majority of the stock downstairs, in clearly set out areas for each genre, with a main front section, a short mid linking section (including stair access to the bargain bin room above) and a rear back area.

Front Section










Middle Section


Rear Section







One thing I spotted quickly first time I visited the store was a ‘just in section’, to the left of the front pay desk. Once again something absent from many record shops, and a real blessing to those that visit very regularly, in some cases daily as it allows quick access to everything new, rather than having to trawl through all the racks to find new stock.


There is also an upper floor area, a sort of  large vinyl bargain bin room, and this is very much worth a visit. On a previous visit I picked up two nice albums from here (2)

Bargain Bin Floor


Along The Walls




Stock pricing through out the store seemed fair to me, and certainly more realistic than some other stores I have visited over the years. Nothing much worse than seeing poor condition/low desirability items being crazily overpriced, something very common among thrift stores and in some greedy record stores.

Final Thoughts. 


I very much enjoyed talking with Marion, a real pleasure, on the day I visited (not the first time I hasten to add) and during this visit I took her up on her previous kind permission to photograph the store, and review it – not everyone is so accommodating, something I have found out during my travels. Marion’s particular genre passion is electronica and dance music, but her knowledge extends well beyond those styles of music.


If you are in Belfast for a visit, or live in Northern Ireland, Voodoo Soup Records is definitely well worth a visit (easy to find behind the Castle Court Shopping Centre, just leave via the rear exit) and gets a very solid recommendation. I look forward to visiting again.




Voodoo Soup Records 

Address: 17 Winetavern St, Belfast BT1 1JQ

Phone: 07563147949

Opening Hours: 

Saturday 10am–6pm
Sunday 1–5pm
Monday 10am–6pm
Tuesday 10am–6pm
Wednesday 10am–6pm
Thursday 10am–6pm
Friday 10am–6pm

(1) For the life of me I do not understand why so many record shops are dark, dirty holes. I get it that often the buildings they are housed in are of older stock, and therefore not as shiny and new looking as stores on the mainstreet (rents having much to do with that) but not being able to see stock clearly, or be able to examine a possible purchase, plus battling untidy clutter, layers of grime, does not pass as character in my view, but rather a real nuisance, and a reason not to visit again.




© Text Copyright 2020 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. All photos Adventures in High Fidelity Audio Copyright. 

Important – No part or portion of this article may be reproduced, re published/posted, blogged or quoted without written permission from Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. Com. Doing so without permission is Copyright Theft. 

Personal Responsibility

Firstly if you see this article elsewhere I did not give consent for it to be reproduced. Please support AIHFA by reading articles, show reports and reviews on this site, not elsewhere, on a site that stole it.

I don’t do advertising and try hard to keep this site independent, please repay that by supporting AIHFA, not those who steal copyrighted material.

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So my first show report of 2020 was going to be the March 28th Kantata Audio – Spring Event but in light of world events, John of Kantata Audio has cancelled that show to later in the year, assuming things improve by then. John’s audio show is not the only HiFi event, show to be cancelled, as the arrival of SARS COVID 19 virus in Europe and the UK, indeed farther afield has forced responsible organisers to postpone their upcoming audio shows all over the world.

As I write this its not clear if there will actually be any audio shows (1) this year, 2020 could be the year where the only UK show held was February’s Bristol show, and with no solution to COVID19 yet found and not likely for maybe at least a year the world is now a very different place to what it was a few months ago. As of now all over the world the things that humans like to do, the day today activities we all took for granted we no longer can do. The new buzz words are ‘Social Distancing’ (2) where medical and government experts tell us we must keep are distance from each other and that distance should be 2 m. This advice, and in some parts of the world its not advice, but a mandatory requirement, means pretty much everything is effected. There simply is no part of human existence on this planet that is not effected, or at least should be by this new way of living.


The common visible divider between the old life, and the new is yellow and black hazard tape, either laid out on the floor or between shelving units to steer customers a particular way or even prevent them from serving themselves. Now days a counter isn’t the only barrier between server and customer but a line of hazard tape, please don’t cross, keeping a distance of about 1m.

I know many think this is all over the top and really not needed. Well it is. As I write this now Italy has 5546 dead with 625 people having died in the last 24 hours alone, and this isn’t an Italian problem, but a global one. Italian hospitals are as good as any other country, this isn’t a third world situation. Pretty much every country in the world has this now, a brand new to humans virus that has come from the animal kingdom, and that is why this is a serious problem, and all our lives must change.

‘Social Distancing’ is important and should not be optional, do it if you can be bothered. Everyone must be bothered. By helping to slow the virus progress we buy the health service time, and space to cope. If the health service is overwhelmed then many will die, Italy could happen in those countries were citizens think this doesn’t apply.


My place of regular work closed, and I am now in a position of being out of work, but for now still paid, and I have had time to do some jobs round the house and I have been in my front garden, and I have seen people ‘who can not be bothered, who think this does not apply’ and I am truly shocked. I have seen four in a car, friends walking close, families walking together, people bunching up in stores and so on. However nothing is so shocking as seeing people out by the sea side because the weather was nice. What is wrong with these people?

It is everyones personal responsibility to do their best to not make this situation worse, so please, please treat ‘social distancing’ seriously, please do it. If you don’t, and enough people can’t be bothered then many people will die because of your not being bothered. That’s not hysteria but a cold, as in the grave fact.

For myself, I will go out for food, but thats it, what social life I had is on hold, till this is over.

To my friends in the audio world please stay safe, and I hope we all make it through to the other side of this crisis.







(1) Will there even be any audio companies still trading after COVID 19 has had its way with the world, as pretty much all non essential businesses close?

(2) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people/guidance-on-social-distancing-for-everyone-in-the-uk-and-protecting-older-people-and-vulnerable-adults

The State Of Independence – Northern Sounds 3 – Choons, Bangor, North Down

Firstly if you see this article elsewhere I did not give consent for it to be reproduced. Please support AIHFA by reading articles, show reports and reviews on this site, not elsewhere, on a site that stole it.

I don’t do advertising and try hard to keep this site independent, please repay that by supporting AIHFA, not those who steal copyrighted material.

Please Read it here – 






Choons Record Store

For the last three years a record shop called Choons has been trading in the North Down sea side town of Bangor, located in the mall just off High Street. Run by Phil McKee and more recently aided by Ralph Boyd.


I have been aware of Choons for awhile now, but my first visit a few years back didn’t impress. The shop to my mind was poorly laid out and the lack of lighting made it very difficult to see the stock. I will be honest here, this put me off visiting again. Recently I made this comment in passing and the person I made it to told me the shop had changed, and was worth a visit. After talking with that person I felt I was definitely missing out. As I like to give second chances I paid the shop a visit, and indeed Choons 2019 is not the Choons I visited a few years back.


The compact space is much better set out and stock displayed in a much more logical way and my original bug bear lack of lighting has been addressed, stock visibility is much improved. I was there for a few hours and as the natural light ebbed the shop was still well lit.




Choons stocks a varied range of genres, has a just in ‘New Arrivals section’ well done, and sells both collectors items, carefully graded used records, and new releases which are very well priced. There is also a new stock sales section. There are CDs for sale as well, but these are not what Choons is about, vinyl is king here. I love the way things are displayed in this shop, a very clever use of the space is now the story here and there is a lot to look at and browse. There is also a lovely ceiling display of 7in single covers.


As well as selling vinyl records, and CDs, Choons also stocks Tanglewood guitars and ukuleles.

AIHFA069_560x420I got a warm welcome from Ralph Boyd who made me feel at home and was very helpful. He had been helping a customer before I arrived and continued to serve that customer after my arrival, and I was impressed with his gentle, friendly approach, no hard sell, no judgement re music likes, dislikes and Ralph was full of stories re his musical life. I could not help but feel a little envious, hearing him talk about his seeing Hendrix, the Who etc at the Isle of White Festival. Ralph has an excellent knowledge of music which he revealed in a very un showy or arrogant way, unlike some others I have met over my record buying life.


The Choons audio system for playing music in the shop was a very high quality one, with a nice record player and EL 34 based valve amp, not something one sees very often in such stores.




I was impressed with the stock, the pricing, particularly in regards to new release, cheaper than many other stores, and new back catalogue records, 7in/12in singles and box sets.


Outside the store there is series of bargain bins, with cheaper stock, but still interesting items to be found in these. It would be well worth a look in these before going into the shop proper.


Choons will order anything they don’t have in stock, if they can get it, and they also offer gift vouchers. So with Christmas approaching there are plenty of possible gifts available from Choons for the music lover in your life.


So if you are in Bangor, or from further afield Choons is very much worth a visit, a real gem, and I am glad a chance comment I made led to giving Choons a second go. I am delighted to say I recommend Choons to all music lovers.


Well done Phil and Ralph.




Choons Bangor https://www.facebook.com/CHOONSBANGOR/

Opening Hours 11 am to 5pm Tuesday to Saturday

Phone 07918 755527

High St Mall – Bangor, County Down


© Text Copyright 2019 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. All photos Adventures in High Fidelity Audio Copyright, except the Choons Shop Logo, which is their Copyright. 

Important – No part or portion of this article may be reproduced, re published/posted, blogged or quoted without written permission from Adventures in High Fidelity Audio.Com. Doing so without permission is Copyright Theft. 

Kantata Audio Autumn Event Show Report, 28th September 2019


Firstly if you see this article elsewhere I did not give consent for it to be reproduced. Please support AIHFA by reading articles, show reports and reviews on this site, not elsewhere, on a site that stole it.

I don’t do advertising and try hard to keep this site independent, please repay that by supporting AIHFA, not those who steal copyrighted material.

Please Read it here – http://www.adventuresinhifiaudio.com/09/10/2019/kantata-audio-autumn-event-show-report-28th-september-2019/





Kantata Audio decided to hold an Autumn Event, last Saturday (at the time I write this) 28th, September, 2019 to launch two new brands, one new to Northern Ireland Auralic and one that hasn’t had representation in NI for a long time, Amphion. While this show was smaller than their first launch event it was perfectly formed, and provided me with several hours of interesting chat with distributors and  pleasurable listening.

Once again the Crowne Plaza, Shaws Bridge, Belfast was the venue and the same rooms used as last time, a definite plus as they worked well with the choice of electronics and speakers last time and did so again this time.


The Hall 


The layout to this mini show was similar to the last one, with a welcoming table on the right side of the entrance, with price lists and product information on the left oposite the welcoming station, further along the hall a desk top system was on display and playing music.

Hall System 


The system in the hall was made up of the following items: Bluesound Powernode 2i £799, AQ Rocket 11 speaker cable, Amphion Argon0 loudspeakers £720. AQ NRG – Y3 power cable. Standard ethernet cable, Music streamed from memory stick plugged into Powernode.


BlueSound  say this about the PowerNode 2i….

‘Borrowing state-of-the-art technologies from our award-winning sister company, NAD Electronics, the POWERNODE 2 can do everything the NODE 2 can do, plus effortlessly drive your choice of speakers. With the same zero-distortion audio signature we’ve become known for, the POWERNODE 2 allows you to take your favorite tracks to new levels. Permission to turn it up, granted.


  • Stream music to multiple Bluesound Players all over the home
  • Access and connect to internet radio stations, cloud music services, and your own local music library
  • Control music wirelessly with an intuitive Controller App for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and Windows & Mac OS X desktops
  • Instinctive touch control on unit
  • Simple setup, easily expandable
  • Innovative digital amplifier
  • Available in Black or White’ 
  • More info here https://www.bluesound.com/products-archive/powernode-2/

The Powernode was partnered up with Amphion’s Argon 0 speakers. Amphion say this about these speakers…..

‘ Good things come in small packages

When your ear does not want to compromise, but aesthetics or space call for the smallest possible loudspeaker, Argon0 might be the answer. The Argon0 desktop loudspeaker employs premium design and components. The only modest thing about it is its looks. Argon0 home audio speaker is the smaller brother of the Argon1.

Shortlist an Argon0 if you are in the market for a world-class, mini home audio speaker for a small room or a desktop setup. Argon0 is a great choice if you intend to build a full-range 2.1 or 5.1 reference home theater system. Connect it to your TV and enjoy the whole media content a modern television offers in an easy and interactive way. Reference-quality midrange resolution leads to enjoyable clarity even at the lowest listening levels.


As with its bigger brother, the Argon0 is one of the most natural, neutral-sounding home audio speakers commercially available. A very high level of transparency means that you can hear deeper into your favourite recordings. Even if Argon0 benefits from a first-rate signal chain, surprising results can also be achieved with reasonably modest amplifiers.

Our busy daily routine often makes it difficult to find the time to enjoy our high-end systems. The small Argon0 home audio loudspeaker offers you an appealing alternative. The studio-grade nearfield performance of Argon0 desktop loudspeakers creates enjoyable opportunities to dive into the pleasures of high-end computer audio.’ 


This compact set up was producing a very engaging sound, which I enjoyed, but it was only later on during my visit when I heard just how good the Argon0 speakers are, when I heard them in the system being played in the Balsam Room – more on this later.

Juniper Room – Auralic 


On the left hand side of the hall, when entering the show, Auralic were showing off some new products and a few already established ones. This system used Hegel amplification and Amphion floor standing speakers in the form of the Argon 7LS, which were also being used in the main Amphion room. As this was the case I will leave commenting on these speakers to my coverage of that room.


The full system on demonstration was the following: Auralic Aries G2 streamer, Audioquest Diamond HDMI cable used as Lightning Link, Auralic Vega G2 being used as a DAC only (Auralic Altair G1 sometimes slotted in for demos replacing the Aries G1 / G2), Audioquest Water RCA to RCA interconnect, Hegel H590 being used as an integrated amplifier – the built in DAC and streamer were redundant in this case. Audioquest Rocket 44 speaker cable. Amphion Argon 7LS loudspeakers, Audioquest Vodka ethernet cables, Audioquest NRG -Y3 power cables, Musicworks Relex ‘Lite’ IEC Power Distribution Block , Musicworks ReEntry power cable. (Music was streamed from an Auralic Mini with built in hard drive). A Custom Design Milan Reference 10, 2 Shelf stand was used for the equipment.

AIHFA3228_560x420Kantata Audio has recently introduced Auralic to their portfolio of products, never before on demonstration in Northern Ireland, and exclusive to them. Richard of Auralic was a delight to talk to, someone who has been in the audio trade for a long time, our paths probably having crossed in the past, but neither of us recalled the other. He spent a fair bit of time talking to me about Auralic and their products and was very kind to demo the system with music I was familar with, namely tracks from the Daft Punk album – Random Access Memories.

Auralic say this about their origins –

‘AURALiC was conceived in 2008 amidst the strains of beautiful music. That’s when founders Xuanqian Wang and Yuan Wang met at the Waldbühne Berlin Festival. Their shared appreciation of music and their perfectly complimentary skillsets were the foundation for an inevitable collaboration, and in 2009 AURALiC was born.

Built around the idea that true hi-fi should be accessible to everyone, AURALiC today enjoys a worldwide reputation for innovative digital and analog components that sound as great as they look. We build devices that help you explore digital streaming, discover new music, and share experiences with friends. They connect your home by delivering high-resolution music to every room, and make novel use of your mobile devices to take control of it all.

Combining progressive technologies that deliver on the promise of modern digital formats with revitalized analog circuitry and hardware rooted in classic designs, AURALiC is always creating new ways to bring you closer to the music than ever.’ 

On demonstration in the room were the following products from Auralic.


An Aries G2 streamer £3899. Auralic say this about this product – ‘With the flexibility to connect to everything, the intelligence to control your musical world with a touch, and the power to deliver an exceptional signal, the ARIES G2 Wireless Streaming Transporter is the most technologically advanced, best-sounding way to bring high performance audiophile streaming to your home audio system that we’ve ever created. Whether your digital favorites reside on your local network, USB drives, streaming services like TIDAL and Qobuz, or Internet Radio, the ARIES G2 manages every connection so you can explore your entire digital universe right from our Lightning DS control app and take advantage of features like On-Device Playlists, Memory Caching, Gapless Playback and Bit-Perfect Multi-Room functionality. With a supercharged hardware platform, the ARIES G2 has got the power to build an astonishingly pure, bit-perfect stream for music formats up to DSD512 over Wi-Fi for truly exceptional sound performance. Whether on its own or matched with other G Series devices from AURALiC, the ARIES G2 redefines audio connectivity and performance.’

Auralic G2 streamer back_560x261









ARIES G2 Details –https://us.auralic.com/products/aries-g2


An Auralic Vega G2 Streaming DAC £5499 was also being demonstrated within the room. Auralic have this to say about the Vega G2 – ‘From the addition of integrated streaming to its unique casework, the VEGA G2 is transforming the idea of what a DAC can be. Every aspect of the VEGA G2’s engineering has been designed to push the boundaries of sonic performance, reshaping data into vibrant musical performance — but its sound engineering is only half the story. The completely revamped architecture of the VEGA G2 combines high-end DAC performance and feature-rich streaming, emerging as a complete digital music solution for your home audio system. VEGA G2 streaming is based on the Lightning Streaming framework, so favorite AURALiC features like On-Device Playlists, Memory Caching, Gapless Playback and Bit-Perfect Multi-Room are all at your fingertips. With support for every audiophile format and resolution up to DSD512, the stellar VEGA G2 is the embodiment of what high—resolution digital music can be.’

VEGA G2 Details –https://us.auralic.com/products/vega-g2

ALTAIR-G1-Top-1024x683_560x374And this about the Altair G1 £1899 –‘The new ALTAIR G1 distills AURALiC’s proprietary technologies and features in to a high-performance DAC and streamer built to exacting standards within a substantial aluminum case. As an entry point to the AURALiC ecosystem, the ALTAIR G1 offers a comprehensive number of features and functions. Music can be sourced from virtually any source – locally stored files on your network, Internet radio, Airplay™, Bluetooth, USB drive, an optional integrated hard drive or a playlist of favorites from a subscription-based streaming service such as Qobuz or TIDAL. Control is via either the proprietary Lightning DS appor the manual intuitive control on the front panel with all functions clearly shown on the high-resolution 4″ colour display. Completing the ALTAIR G1’s extensive feature set: full wireless utility, smart IR control learning, and an advanced digital volume control.’

ALTAIR G1 Details –https://us.auralic.com/products/altair-g1



Within a very short space of time I was impressed with the sound in the room. I had had a good listen a couple of times when the room had been full and during a lull I was offered a choice of listening material, and chose Daft Punk’s album, Random Access Memories, and a track I know very well Giorgio by Moroder.


The mixture of Auralic, Hegel, and Amphion with Audio Quest speaker cables and signal cables sounded effortless, and had a presentation that was both open and detailed with good spactial resolution. The track begins with Giorgio relating tales of his early entry into the music industry, making music and developing the things that make his unique sound. The spoken voice was solid and dimensional. The instrumentation ebbed and flowed with great separation and it was easy to listen into the elements of the track. When things got going towards the end of the track the system held on tightly and despite the presentation being a little forward and slightly loud for my taste, however, at no point did it become unpleasant. I didn’t ask for it to be turned down a little because I have often found that a systems ability to keep things in focus and musical can collapse and the Auralic, Hegel Amphion pairing did no such thing, it was simply louder, not unmusical or unpleasant.

I was impressed by the synergy on show, at one point I said what I was hearing was among the best sounds I had heard at a show. Sure not the most detailed, or biggest, deepest soundstage, or the most bass, but music sounded musical, detailed, spacious, dynamic and any sins were those of omission not commission and any were slight, not major. As I sat listening the ebb and flow, pace and rhythm had my feet tapping and head bobbing along, at the same time enjoying the spacious soundstage and very good instrument separation and detail retrieval. If I had to describe the way this system presented music I would say just to the slightly warmer side of neutral.


Excited by what I had heard in this room, I was looking forward to hearing how the system in the room across from this one sounded, and that is where I headed next.

Balsam Room – Hegel, Amphion, Auralic


The system on demonstration in this room comprised of the following items: Auralic Aries G1 streamer, Audioquest Carbon USB cable, Hegel H390 integrated amplifier (built in streamer redundant in this case) Auqioquest Rocket 33 speaker cable.Amphion Argon 7LS loudspeakers with occasional demos of Argon3LS, Argon1 and Argon0 loudspeakers. Audioquest Cinnamon ethernet cables  Audioquest NRG – Z3 power cables, Musicworks Reflex Ultra Gen3 Power Distribution Block, Musicwroks ReVive ‘Lite’ power cable (Music streamed from USB hard drive attached to Aries G1) A Custom Design Milan Reference 10, 2 Shelf stand was used for the equipment.


While visiting this room I heard a nice selection of music and a comparison between the Amphion Argon7LS and the much smaller Argon0 stand mount speakers. This comparison was very interesting indeed. Before revealing my listening impressions I will give Amphion space to talk about the 7LS speakers (the Argon0 mentioned above) ….

‘The Argon7LS floorstanding loudspeaker is the largest model in Amphion’s Argon family of high-end home audio speakers. Argon7LS follows the trend of employing design and technologies from our professional studio monitor line. This approach provides extremely natural, transparent, and precise sound reproduction with deep emotional impact. Argon7LS ‘floorstanders’ deliver an exceptionally precise imaging and wide sweet spot, keeping the sound well-balanced even when you move around the room.

argon_7ls_standardwhite_mainArgon7LS uses a passive radiator design which is also present in all Amphion studio monitors as well as Argon3S and Argon3LS home audio loudspeakers. Passive radiators eliminate the known problems associated with reflex cabinets, where the correct signal is always followed by an unwanted tail. Argon7LS design creates a more natural energy transfer, providing the listener with an improved physical connection to the music, even on lower listening levels.

Just like all Amphion loudspeaker models, Argon7LS uses the company’s signature approach to crossover design. Placed at 1600 Hz, the crossover is located outside the most sensitive human hearing range, allowing the use of the tweeter in that area, where our hearing is most perceptive. This way the speakers perform as point-sources, solving the problems we generally experience with coaxial or dual concentric designs, where the tweeter is housed in the moving “waveguide” ie. the woofer. The specifically designed waveguide creates an even dispersion, allowing you to immerse yourself into a room-wide sweet spot.

Amphion’s acoustic design together with the unique approach to crossover implementation, have proven their value in some of the finest recording, mixing, mastering, and postproduction facilities around the globe. Argon7LS loudspeaker uses very similar technologies and is fine-tuned for home use. This makes them the perfect alternative for audio enthusiasts who want to experience their recordings as the producer and artist intended.’


There were a number of other Amphion Argon speakers on static display within the room: the aforementioned Argon0, as well as the Argon1 £1040, Argon3S £1720 stand mount speakers and the smaller floor standers the L3S £2520 Which I understand were used on a number of occasions during the day. There is more information on Amphion’s website regarding these speakers.



This room was very busy during the time I was at the show, with a constant stream of people, so I was delighted when an opportunity came to take the centre position on the sofa, and have a good listen to the 7LS speakers, being driven by the new Hegel 390 £4900 (1) amplifier and music supplied by an Auralic Aries G1, Audio Quest cabling was also used in this room.

AIHFA3287_560x420After a number of tracks, covering a wide range of genres (including music by Ray Charles) a Miles Davis album started playing, Sketches From Spain. The soundstage was wide, and deep, imaging pin point, each instrument in its own 3 dimensional space, nicely separated. The acoustic and instruments spread was beautifully presented. Mile’s trumpet had great bite but was not harsh or gritty. When the music got going the Hegel 390 and Amphion 7LS  worked very well together, though looking to the right of the system, at the H590 on static display I did wonder how that amp would be with the Miles Davis music playing through this set up and in this room. I don’t say that as a slight on the H390, simply wondering how the H590 would sound.


It was nice to meet Bill Leigh of Auden Distribution, distributor of Amphion in the UK, and UK agent for Hegel once again, and he very kindly offered to let me hear the Argon0 speakers, and after a few minutes of setting them up he put Sketches of Spain on again. While the scale was somewhat smaller, had less weight, the overall sound was very similar to how it had been with the much larger Argon 7LS speakers. Imaging was pin point, the focus and detail very impressive, as was the bass and dynamics from what was a much smaller speaker. I would say that if space is limited, a 3LS or 7LS too big for your room, or budget restricted then the Argon0 at £720, plus a good pair of speaker stands is a bit of a bargain in my opinion.



AIHFA2276_560x420Well John Stirling of Kantata Audio has done it again, he is on to a bit of a winner in my view re these products and using these rooms at the Cowne Plaza hotel. I was impressed back in March and this event while slightly smaller was no less impressive. I enjoyed meeting Bill Leigh again and Richard of Auralic for the first time. Well done gentlemen, and those others who helped in set up and welcoming visitors. Great event, I look forward to the next one.




(1) – https://www.hegel.com/products/integrated/h390


Here is some video footage taken on the day by Richard of Auralic – 



Auralic –https://us.auralic.com/

Auden Distribution (Amphion) –http://www.audendistribution.co.uk/

Audio Quest – https://www.audioquest.com/

Blue Sound – https://www.bluesound.com/

Custom Design – https://www.customdesign.co.uk/

Hegel –https://www.hegel.com/


© Text Copyright 2019 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio, except manufactuers highlighted text. All photos Adventures in High Fidelity Audio, except manufactuer images and Kantata Audio Images. 

NB No part or portion of this article may be reproduced, re published/posted or quoted without written permission from Adventures in High Fidelity Audio.Com. Doing so without permission is Copyright Theft. 

Kantata Audio Autumn Event – Upcoming 28th, September, 2019


Katana Audio of Lisburn are having another hotel based event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Belfast on the 28th of September 2019. If its anything like the previous one (1) then its worth a visit in my opinion. I will be attending, bar unforseen circumstances and will offer a report after the event.

Katana Audio will be showing some new Hegel products and products from new brands to Kantana Audio from Amphion loudspeakers and Auralic.

More details can be found here https://www.kantata-audio.co.uk/events/kantata-audio-show





Kantana Audio – https://www.kantata-audio.co.uk/

Hegel – https://www.hegel.com/

Amphion – https://amphion.fi/

Auralic – https://us.auralic.com/

Dealer Visit – Kantata Audio

It has been a policy of mine to not write about dealer visits as such, as I wanted to keep Adventures in HiFi Audio as non commercial as possible, no advertising, and I have attempted to keep the audio trade at arms length, despite my having once earn’t a living by being in the trade, both specialist audio and brown goods, and knowing a number of audio trade personalities. My reason for this is to try and keep AIHFA clean re accusations of shilling, biased/paid for reviews and the usual things that get brought up on forums re how ‘bent/corrupt’ the magazines and industry are.

I write AIHFA for my enjoyment and over the years it mostly has been, there have been moments it hasn’t been fun, industry shenanigans (1), annoyance at my not ‘playing the game’ (2) and more recently reviewer/writer burn out. However this year, so far, I feel my reviewing/writing energy starting to return, and as such I feel that not only will I include record stores, as I have in the past, but also audio dealers from time to time – if I am suitably impressed by what they do and they can offer something different for their potential customers.


Kantata Audio – Lisburn, Northern Ireland


I received an invite to a new to me dealer a little while ago, and after thinking about the invite I decided to pay them a visit, take some photos and if suitably impressed maybe write about that experience.

Based on the outer edges of Lisburn, near Belfast, Kantata Audio have opted to conduct their business in a domestic situation, so the products they represent are presented in actual living room environments, as they might be used.


The usual dealer model is high street or designed space locations, and while that is one way to do it, the advantage of from a domestic location is you hear gear in real rooms, and there is space and time to hear equipment with minimal distractions, that other locations can generate.



043_1369x492Kantata Audio is owned and run by John Stirling, who started of in the trade by selling used equipment, and then more recently he has moved into retailing quality new products. I did not know him, nor had I heard of Kantata Audio before he contacted me to tell me about the Launch Show he was holding at the Crowne Plaza back in March 2019 (3) a show I attended and enjoyed.

John has chosen to concentrate on a select range of brands, most of which have not been seen in Northern Ireland before: Analogue Works, Aqua Acoustics, AudioQuest, Custom Design, Hegel Audio Systems, Innuos, Jelco, Kudos, Lejonklou, Metrum Acoustics and Track Audio.

The Visit 

I visited Kantata Audio on a typical late winters day and was immediately impressed by the welcome I received, and how John had set his products up. We talked for awhile and he explained his story and how Kantata Audio had come into existence. He was knowledgeable regarding audio in general and the brands/products he represents. John also came across as being warm, friendly and not in any way shape or form as being pushy, or a typical sales man.

He gave me a tour of the listening spaces, typical domestic rooms and allowed me time to listen to the systems, something I enjoyed a lot.

Main Room

The main room is just to the right of the entrance way to Kantata Audio, its a large well decorated room with high ceilings and gave the audio equipment within a nice even sound. The acoustic was not too live and bass was extended and deep, but not boomy.

I listened to a number of pieces of music via this system including tracks from Dead Can Dance – Into The Labyrinth, and a lovely album new to me from Boris Blank & Malia called Convergence.  These were played on the following system: Innuos Zenith Music Server/streamer, Aqua La Voce S2 DAC, Lejonklou Sagatun 1.4 pre amp, Lejonklou Tundra 2.5 power amp, Kudos Audio Titan 707 loudspeakers, Audioquest Niagara 5000 power conditioner +Audioquest Tornado mains cable to wall outlet (For Innuos and Aqua only), Audioquest NRG-Z3 power cables on Innuos and Aqua), Audioquest Water Interconnects, Audioquest Diamond USB cable and Audioquest Castle Rick Speaker Cable. I also heard these tracks via a Hegal Audio H360 integrated amplifier.

I have not heard any of these products before, and whether it was the Hegal H360 amplifying or the Lejonklou pre-power I very much enjoyed the music being played.






Music played on this system had a deep wide soundstage, lovely instrument separation, and retrieval of detail, bass was extended with very nice articulation. The midrange and treble was also beautifully reproduced. Overall very enjoyable.

Secondary Room 


The system in the second room comprised of the following: Hegel Rost integrated amplifier, Hegel H90 integrated amplifier, Analogue Works Zero, fitted with a Jelco 750D tonearm. Innuos Zen Mini music server / streamer / DAC , Lejonklou Boazu integrated amp, Audio Physic Classic 15 loudspeakers with upgraded bases., Audioquest Yukon interconnects and Audioquest Rocket 44 speaker cable.



This room is down the entrance hall, from the main listening room and to the left. Its much smaller than the main room and yet it also produced very nice sound. On this system I listened to various music, via the Analogue Works turntable, Innous server and amplified by the Hegal H90 and Lejonklou Boazu integrated amplifiers.




035_1492x369I was not sure what to expect of Kantata Audio, being honest, and was very pleasantly surprised regarding the quality of the visit, sound and presentation of the products in the rooms, and John himself.

I left having enjoyed myself, having had fun, and feeling fairly certain that anyone looking to do business with John would be dealt with fairly, professionally and in a friendly non pushy way, no hard sales here.

Kantata Audio are well worth contacting if you are looking for quality HiFi.




Kantata Audio- https://www.kantata-audio.co.uk

FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/kantataaudio/

Contact Details – [email protected]
Phone: 028 9260 7882/7990 910227


(1) Having barely finished prototypes passed off as being finished products. Then finding out my review was part of their development process. Not on my watch. One particular company I will no longer take emails from after this happened.

(2) A few dealers/distributors hated my saying how their rooms sounded at shows, to the point of hostile emails and confrontations at shows. My response was simply I must be honest re how I heard your room sound. To not do so damages my credibility. If I say it sounds great and it didn’t, and visitors to the room thought it sounded poor and I state it sounds great, well that reduces/brings into doubt my ability to subjectively assess sound. I won’t compromise my views re what I hear, if its mediocre I will say so.

(3) Adventures in HiFi Audio Show report of that event – http://www.adventuresinhifiaudio.com/02/04/2019/kantata-audio-show-case-show-crowne-plaza-hotel-saturday-23rd-march-2019/


© Text Copyright, all rights reserved, 2019 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. All photos Adventures in High Fidelity Audio.

NB No part or portion of this article may be reproduced or quoted without written permission from Adventures in HiFi Audio.

This article should only be available here on Adventures in HiFi Audio, if it is elsewhere it has been taken, without permission. 

Copyright Infringement – Outing – dasklang.com, isecope.com, headgamesonline.com and technocratsblog.com

Recently I have discovered my review work (1) and show reports taken and reproduced without my permission by four websites, one of whom took the material down when asked – they should not have reproduced it in the first place.  When approached they said ‘sure that is how the net works, I am helping you by doing this’. No you are not, you are only helping yourself dasklang.com (2), creating traffic to your site off the back of my work not your own. How would you like it if I reproduced the design of your products ? Then told you my doing so was helping you. You wouldn’t.

I was going to let this go, but why should I? I have struggled personally to try and put some content on my site, battled reviwers burn out and other issues. Content that in many cases I have paid for out of my pocket to write about, not items loaned by manufacturers or distributors, but products I had bought, sometimes simply to write about them. However even if I had not parted with my money, my time and effort is worth something surely? Worthy of respect that I would at the very least be offered a chance to give my permission as to how my work is used, and where. None of these websites asked, they took what wasn’t theirs to use, to put content on their sites.

The websites that still have my material up without permission are isecope.com, headgames online and technocratsblog.com, all three I suspect are linked.

As they are watching this site maybe after being named and shamed they will remove the material. I doubt it, I guess I will have to go after them with DMCA’s and report to their web-hosts.




(1) My recent AMG Reference power supply review http://www.adventuresinhifiaudio.com/23/02/2019/the-amg-giro-reference-psu-making-the-wonderful-better/

(2) The web remembers. Google searches still show photos and some text from my review, even though its been taken down. So I am not saying anything that two seconds on Google would not reveal.

Kantata Audio – Show Case Show – Crowne Plaza Hotel Saturday 23rd March 2019


I am not long returned from the Kantata Audio Launch Event, Show Case Show, which happened today on the outskirts of Belfast at the Crowne Plaza hotel. It has been awhile since I last attended an audio show in person, and its been well over 5 years since there has been any kind of high end audio show in Northern Ireland, so l was delighted to learn there was a show happening on my very own doorstep, on the 23rd of March – one that I would definitely attend.

Travelling to Shaws Bridge under blue skies and on a warmish March day I arrived at the venue just after the opening time. The show was on the secod floor of the hotel in the conference centre, and Kantata Audio had taken over an area comprising a wide hall with four large conference rooms: Juniper, Balsam, and Cottonwood (one room was not in use) and the hall area. These rooms as it turned out were ideal for the use they were put to on this occasion, with all three being kind to the audio equipment.

Despite this being a small show I was there from 12pm to after 2pm, finding out more about the equipment, talking with distributors and manufacturers, and listening to what was being exhibited.

The Hall


Access to the show was via a separate door on the second floor of the hotel, which had a large Kantata Audio sign outside. The hotel Conference Centre was nicely laid out for this, with access to this area from a large circular landing, at the top of the stairs.


Entering the show I was welcome by Kantata Audio’s welcoming staff, and after some pleasantries I had a look at the items on static display in the hall area opposite the welcoming area first, and then worked my way up the hall looking at the other items on display.

There was on the right hand side, half way up the hall, a working system which I had a listen to as well. So first up the Hall System.

Hall System


The Hall System comprised of a Hegel Rost integrated amplifier £2200, Audio Physic Classic 15 glass speakers £2790, Audio Quest DragonFly Red £170, Audio Quest Victoria 3.5 to RCA cable £289.


Despite being in the hall and not set up in a dedicated room, the quality of sound reproduction was very good. I rate the DragonFly Red DAC £170 highly (1) as a source and was not surprised to hear this set up sounding so nice.


Hegel Rost amplifier £2200

023_550x412Hegel say this about the Rost…..

‘Röst is the first of Hegel’s next generation integrated amplifiers. It represents everything that Hegel has learned about amplifier design and is a showcase for all of their latest technologies. The Hegel Röst combines an integrated amplifier with a built-in DAC and streamer. With 75 watts per channel and a damping factor in excess of 2,000, it offers enough power and grip to drive all but the most challenging loudspeakers. It offers single ended and balanced analogue inputs, coax, optical and USB digital inputs, as well as built-in AirPlay and UPnP/DLNA streaming.’

Also part of this system the Classic 15 glass £2790  speakers, offering a modern look to the loudspeaker. Audio Physic say this about the Classic 15…..

APclassic_15_2018_white_frontMaturity is a particular type of strength – the CLASSIC 15 presents itself as a loudspeaker that excels in its class through technical innovations, intelligent detail solutions and elegant styling, while sonically achieving an impressive degree of maturity. The results you will find highly convincing.

The two and a half-way system operates on a ventilated volume. The reflex port is located in the enclosure’s bottom plate above the solid plinth and radiates downwards, allowing for a uniform coupling to the room. The set-up therefore is uncomplicated. Flow noise, like you often have with classic reflex tubes, is entirely unknown to the CLASSIC 15, as the actual reflex opening is formed by an extremely stiff, fine-pored ceramic plate.

The CLASSIC 15’s technological maturity expresses itself through its driver technology. For the first time, the world’s unique AUDIO PHYSIC dual basket design is being used also in the CLASSIC series. This groundbreaking design drastically reduces the mechanical transmission of micro-vibrations between drivers and enclosure.

Woofer and mid-woofer are both equipped with cones made of glass fibre fabrics. However, surround, motor and voice coil are optimized for their respective frequency spectrum in order to achieve clear playback fidelity. The midrange driver has got a fixed phase plug to improve the ventilation of the oscillating system. The so important midrange clearly benefits from these efforts, because within this particular frequency range the human ear is especially sensitive and immediately detects tonal discolourations. The CLASSIC 15 are capable in reproducing tonal colours and human voices as natural and concise as previously only known from higher priced speakers.

The oscillating system of the CLASSIC 15’s tweeter is elaborately ventilated as well, so that the soft dome made by a German specialist company always finds ideal operating conditions even under heavy load. Thanks to the powerful motor and the low self-resonance, the tweeter achieves exemplary signal integrity far beyond the audible range. A small horn-shaped sound guide surrounds the actual dome and ensures a seamless transition between mid and high frequencies. So even outside of the so-called sweet spot you will be able to enjoy a relaxed musical experience.

And of course, the CLASSIC 15 can also optionally be equipped with the modern VCF II Magnetic M8 feet. These feet guarantee perfect decoupling from the floor and protect sensitive surfaces as well.’

I was impressed by the sound this system was making, even in the less than ideal hall area. There was a nice wide soundstage good bass extension and nice pace. Not being able to sit down I can’t say more, but it was making sweet music, where it was sited.

Rest of the Hall Area

From just opposite the welcoming desk there were a number of pieces of equipment on static display, spread across several tables.

Table One


Blue Sound Power Node £795

029_550x412Blue Sound say this about the Power Node…

‘The amp reinvented. The POWERNODE 2i is the streaming amplifier that merges several traditional components into one and unlocks a world of high fidelity streaming, while effortlessly driving your choice of speakers. With the same zero-distortion audio signature we became known for, the POWERNODE 2i takes your favourite tracks to new levels and lets your speakers loose on a world of high fidelity streaming. Permission to turn it up, granted.
Enjoy streaming hi-res audio fi les with no skips or delays, in every corner of your home, with advanced dual band, providing best-in-class WiFi performance even in crowded airspace. In addition, the POWERNODE 2i now supports state-of-the-art aptX HD Bluetooth, allowing you to stream studio quality music to wireless headphones and speakers, complete with dedicated volume controls plus a choice of analog or optical connections to other music sources.
The POWERNODE 2i is now more flexible than ever, with support for Apple AirPlay 2 and easy integration into the Apple ecosystem. Premium music services like TIDAL®, Deezer®, Qobuz® and Spotify® – as well as virtually all other popular music services and internet radio stations are already built-in. High end DAC technology built into every Bluesound player can decode and stream MQA fi les in all their lossless glory. Access your downloads, your iTunes library and content from any other NAS drive, all without turning on a computer.’


Hegel H90 £1500

Hegel say this about the H90….

‘The Hegel H90 is the Hegel’s latest entry level integrated amplifier. It features second generation SoundEngine2 technology for ultra low distortion, a choice of analogue and digital inputs, a built-in DAC and a flexible network streamer with support for Apple AirPlay and UPnP/DLNA streaming. Alternatively, you can connect your existing streamer, computer or other digital source to the USB, coaxial or optical inputs.’

It was nice to see these interesting products nicely displayed with information to hand. So many times in the past, at other shows, there has been no information with the products on demonstration, or display. A very frustrating omission, but not at this show as I was to find out, everything was clearly identified with information nearby. Well done Kantata Audio.

Table Two


One of the range of products I was intertested to see and hear at this show, was on display in the hall, and that was the Lejonklou Boazu Integrated amplifier £2700 from Fredrik Lejonklou of Sweden. 

Boazu_fram (1)Fredrik says this about the Boazu integrated amplifier……

‘The decision to make an integrated amplifier was made in the summer of 2015. I had previously felt it necessary to isolate sensitive, low level analogue signals from the strong currents needed to drive loudspeakers. That’s how things are arranged in systems with separate pre- and power amplifiers, such as Sagatun and Tundra. But now I had accumulated some ideas on how these two contradictory requirements could be successfully combined. So work on Boazu (which means ‘reindeer’ in Sami language) began in the fall of 2015.

The most important part of any amplifier – or any system, for that matter – is where the signal starts. This apparently simple but very important principle is called Source First. It dictates that any process taking place early in a chain where a music signal travels has a stronger influence on the quality of the signal than any process taking place later in the chain. When applied to the art of capturing and recording music, it’s easy to understand that the musicians are more important than their instruments, which in turn are more important than the equipment recording the performance. And at home, the recording we play is more important than the HiFi which replays it. But also within the HiFi system, the same Source First principle applies: The source component, such as a turntable or digital streamer, is more important than the amplifier it feeds. And the amplifier is more important than the speakers.

Most people get this wrong and focus their interest on the loudspeaker. Laymen do it because that’s where the sound appears to originate and speakers also vary a lot in how they sound. Engineers do it because loudspeakers don’t measure very well, hence they must be the main obstacle on the road to fidelity. But if our goal is to be moved by the emotional message of the music – to get a thrill – all practical experience shows that the closer to the source, the bigger and more important the differences are.

In Boazu, Source First means that the four analogue inputs are most crucial. In order to optimise them in an effective way, I took a Sagatun stereo preamp and simplified it by replacing the input switches with a circuit that sums every signal present on the four inputs. This means that whatever you play that is connected to Boazu, you will also hear in the loudspeakers. No buttons to press, no display to read. Just play. The main advantage with this solution is that there are no switching circuits to degrade the sound.

After the summing input circuit, an analogue volume control identical to the one in Sagatun handles the signal level. And here’s where the only user functions exist: You can raise, lower and mute the volume, by buttons on the front panel and with the supplied Lejonklou remote control. No other features exist – and for a very specific reason: They all degrade the sound just a little. As a result, the thrill you get from a Boazu is more intense.

Closely tied to the volume control circuit, a power amplifier section almost identical to Tundra adds power enough to drive any loudspeaker with great authority and control. As a large part of the cost when making Tundra is an extremely narrow selection of electronic components, Boazu is cost effectively produced by using component values just outside the ranges used for Tundra. Boazu is also equipped with the same 1.1 kg copper heat sink and dual 100W switch mode power supplies that is used in Tundra. Initially I tried a regular aluminium heat sink, but the musical advantages of copper (clean, solid, perfectly timed bass notes) were just too apparent.

The first Boazu prototype, which was ready in the spring of 2016, didn’t have ZERO features, but four: A phono input, a headphone output and connectors for Pre and Fix Out. I’d spent months tuning it and felt it had become a good integrated amp. But every time I played music with it, I knew in the back of my mind that it would be more fun to use Sagatun and Tundra. At home the listening sessions were not very long, I kept being distracted by other things rather than becoming immersed in the music. I knew this simply would not do. And in an effort to boost performance, I began cleaning up the circuits and removing features. Just as I had expected, each step towards simplicity resulted in a more expressive musical reproduction.

When it was finally ready, Boazu had ZERO features. And at less than half the price, it had actually become a little better than the separates Sagatun and Tundra! To restore the order of the range and to keep owners happy, I released an upgrade called Tarandus for all my pre and power amps. Tarandus is essentially tricks learned from the making of Boazu.’

I won’t apologise for reproducing so much about this integrated amplifier as Lejonklou products are something very special and while very much harking back to the time of ‘hairshirt’ audio products, few features and minimal functionality, these products sound amazing, and Fredricks purist approach, attention to detail is responsible for all the Lejonklou products reproducing music to an incredibly high level, and at a reasonable cost.



Next on the table was the Metrum Acoustics DAC £2250 and next to it the  Aqua Acoustics La Voice Dac £3395. I had read a lot about these over the last few years in Sterophile and other audio magazines so I was keen to see and hear this DAC, alas it was on static display only, but it was still very nice to see a La Voice in the flesh.

Aqua Acoustics say this about the La Voice….

‘Designed to provide absolute modularity, the La Voce S3 is a pure R2R ladder – FPGA-based DAC without digital filter. It has a sign-magnitude ladder converter. 
The absence of digital filtering means no processing of the input signal. The original digital samples are translated to the reproduced sound, preserving the transient shape and avoiding any ringing.  
In this way we also avoid the “intersample overs” problem that is vital to faithful reproduction, considering current recording studio practices. 
With our R2R conversion technology the sound is natural, fast, dynamic, and without the sense of compression characterizing others converters.

To protect the investment, owners of original La Voce can upgrade to La Voce S3 Discrete DAC. The update for the La Voce units of existing owners consists of the following hardware / firmware modifications:

• FPGA / decoding board cod. P608, high-resolution up to 384kHz PCM and DSD128
• R2R Ladder resistors board cod. P607
• USB board cod. P901 with new firmware
• hardware modification of main board P601
• hardware modification of I2S / USB board P603. ‘


Also in the hall there were three pairs of floorstanding speakers:Audio Physic Classic 5 speakers £1795, Kudos X2 £1595 and another pair of Kudos speakers the identity of which I was unsure.


031_412x550Kudos say this about the X2….

‘The 78cm tall X2, the ‘baby’ of the Kudos range, is a compact two-way floorstander designed to bring the Kudos sound to the smaller living space and/or budget. While it may take up a little less space in both listening room and wallet, there’s certainly nothing ‘small’ about the X2’s design and performance. The cabinet is internally damped and braced to minimise resonance, and beautifully finished in a choice of real wood veneers or a satin white paint. The drivers are neatly mounted into the cabinet and the grille is held by magnets to maintain a sleek outer aspect. As with all loudspeakers in the Kudos range, the easy 8 ohm impedance means that the X2 will perform beautifully with a wide range of valve and solid state amplifiers.’

Walking back up the hall I entered the first room on what would have been my left hand side if I had went into this room first.



Inside this room there were some lovely items fom Analogue Works, Innuos, Lejonklou and Kudos. I had a quick look around and took photos before visiting the other rooms, but I returned a bit later when the room was less busy to have a listen to this system, and very nice it was too.

045_412x550The system was made up of the following components: AnalogueWorks Zero+ turntable, Jelco 350s tonearm, and Audio Technica VM540 cartridge at a combined price of £2550, Lejonklou phonostage £950, Lejonklou Sagatun pre-amplifier £3100 and the Lejonklou Tundra power-amplifier £2950, Innous Zen Mini £900 + Zen mini LPSU powr supply £499 AudioQuest Yukon, Water, Rocket cabling and Kudos Titan T505 speakers £7750. All the electronics were housed on a Custom Design Milan table £619.

The few times I was in Juniper the Analogue Works turntable was not being used, but the sound of the system via the Innous Mini was very nice, with lovely instrument separation, dynamics and pace. The soundstage was wide, extending well beyond the speakers, with good depth and image focus. Music was nicely open and detailed but avoided sounding like hifi, and my notes have written in bold, ‘very musical’. Tony Bennet, with KD lang was playing at one point, and the track ‘Keep the Faith’ was very enjoyable to listen to.


At the heart of this system was the Lejonklou Sagatun pre-amplifier £3100 and Tundra 2 power-amplifier £2900. Lejonklou say this about the Sagatun…..


Sagatun has four main functions:

  • Selection of input – with a minimal loss of quality
  • Adjusting the volume with precision – especially at low levels, where the music is most sensitive
  • Controlling the above two by front buttons and remote
  • A Control Link that lets one Sagatun control other Sagatuns.

The first two functions is where quality is everything. This is achieved by the use of clever technology, endless trial-and-error and attention to every detail that has an influence. And as the sound quality gradually improved, we found that nearly all details do matter. Some a lot and others just a little. More than 500 listening tests were conducted in the development of Sagatun.

Some specific choices of technology were made, such as the design being dual mono (left and right channels are separate circuits) and the use of two ultra-quiet switch mode power supplies. We also experimented extensively with the regulation of the power feeding each circuit inside Sagatun. The best results were achieved with a combination of three different regulatory techniques, working in unison. When this combination was discovered, it was a breakthrough in musical performance. But even more quality was to be gained by individually fine tuning the feed to each part of the circuit.

The third function in the list above makes Sagatun possible to use, but it can also mess with the music. Therefore it needs to be as silent as possible and all experiments with conventional displays were discarded due their high level of interference – even when switched off! Luckily a suitable interface had already been developed for our single source pre amplifier Kikkin (now discontinued). It consisted of a quiet running low frequency processor communicating to the user with a coloured front light. This interface had already proven very popular, due it being simple and intuitive. We tweaked it a bit further, both in terms of making the processor run even more silently than in Kikkin (it shuts down completely three seconds after your last command) and by adding more colours to make it more informative and elegant.

To get an idea of how the coloured light display works, check out the pictures on this page!

The fourth function, the Control Link, is a feature that allows you to add more Sagatun’s to your system – if it requires more than two channels in stereo. The Control Link sets one Sagatun as the Master which all the others will follow and the communication medium is light in an optical cable. Use of the Control Link has no influence on sound quality.’

Lejonklou say this about the Tundra 2 …


‘The purpose of Tundra is to reproduce music in the most engaging way possible.

After the electronic design of Tundra had been decided upon, it took one year’s work to perfect its circuitry and another six months to make it possible to manufacture. The circuit combines very short signal paths with ultra high speed and high reliability components, some of which are intended for industrial use, not for audio, according to their manufacturers. But when selected into extreme tolerances and used properly, these components have a far greater potential than the standard ones used by most HiFi companies. As an example, we manually measure and sort all of our transistors into small groups, using a test rig built for the purpose. When the first batch of Tundra’s was manufactured, only one out of five transistors could be used. When the second batch was made, it was less than one out of ten. In the third, it was one out of 15. We save all of the discarded transistors for potential use in future products.

Tundra can drive almost any loudspeaker, but not to any level. Its power rating may appear moderate, but in reality Tundra plays music with impressive authority and power. This is due to the circuitry being optimised for music: High power delivery during short periods of time. Power ratings, on the other hand, have little in common with music as they are obtained with static test tones that continue for hours. If you’re in doubt whether Tundra can play loud enough for your needs, we recommend a demo in your room, using your speakers.

Tundra is powered by two switch mode power supplies of 100 Watts each. They are more efficient and perform musically better than bulky conventional power supplies. Each Tundra is individually fine-tuned and evaluated with music. Only when it performs as well as our reference it is packed and shipped to the customer.

Tundra has repeatedly been described as a product that makes it more fun to listen to music. I can think of no higher praise than that. In my opinion, it belongs on the Must Hear list of every HiFi enthusiast.

Tundra 2 was released in June 2015. It’s a completely reworked version, with the following improvements:

· The aluminium heat sink is replaced with 1.1 kg high purity copper. This is the most important part of the upgrade, as it cuts the variations in temperature (caused by the music you are playing) in half in all critical areas. Less temperature variation means a more stable foundation for the music, adding weight and solidity. As if the music is bolted down firmly instead of bouncing around.

· A new Thermal Interface Material is used between electronic components and heat sink. The old material was Swedish and really good. The new one is made in Japan, very expensive and without doubt the best in the world for this application. Thermal resistance through these interfaces is now one fourth of what it used to be. When heat moves fast, the music sounds Rock Solid. The lowest bass appears as clean notes instead of indistinct punches.

· Two capacitors on the main board are replaced with better types. This makes the music less distorted and more nuanced.

· A new optimised ground connection is used. This makes all musical edges better defined. Notes start and stop more precisely.’


I was a little disapointed that Fredrick, of Lejonklou was not able to attend the show as he had planned to, I would love to have talked with him, but his products spoke very loudly for the man and his designs. They speak music and very beautifully. I very much enjoyed listening to this system.


The speakers in this room were Kudos Titan 505 £7550 stand mount speakers. Kudos say this about the 505….

‘The newest addition to our flagship Titan series, the Kudos Titan 505 is a standmount loudspeaker designed to deliver stunning, top-of-range performance to a wider range music lovers. Small on size, big on immersion. If it’s everyday elation you’re after, the 505 offers all of the key Titan design features in a compact enclosure.’ 

I must say that despite their modest size the Kudos Titan 505 worked well in the room.




Just opposite Juniper was Balsam and the system in this room was made up of the following items: a 1TB Innous Zenith server £3000, Hegel H190 integrated amplifier £3000, Kudos Titian T606 loudspeakers £9000 and an AudioQuest Niagra 1000 mains conditioner £995. Cabling was AudioQuest:Moonson, Carmen and Rocket.


An AudioQuest Niagara 1000 £995 was powering the system, and AudioQuest say this about it….

037_412x550‘Niagara 1000 brings the benefits of highly optimized power management to far more music lovers. Designed by Garth Powell, the Niagara 1000 embodies the very same design philosophy and incorporates the same patented technology found in its larger sibling, the Niagara 7000, but packs it into a smaller, sleeker enclosure—at a fraction of the price.

Much like the Niagara 7000, the Niagara 1000 uses ultra-low resistance solid-core wiring optimized for low-noise directionality, capacitor forming technologies that vastly improve linearity and minimize distortion, and low impedance AC inlet and outlet contacts with heavy silver plating over high-purity Beryllium Copper for superior noise dissipation. Similarly, Niagara 1000 features our non-sacrificial surge protection, Zero Ground-Contamination Technology, and over-voltage shutdown, ensuring that your customers’ A/V systems are thoroughly protected from AC surges and spikes.

While the Niagara 1000 lacks the 7000’s sophisticated Transient Power Correction and Dielectric-Biased AC Isolation Transformers, it does employ our patented Ground-Noise Dissipation System and Ultra-Linear Noise-Dissipation Technology. And, whereas the Niagara 7000 has 12 AC outlets, the Niagara 1000 fits six high-performance outlets into its sleek chassis. In addition, input current maximum capacity—20 amps RMS in the Niagara 7000—is 15 amps RMS in the 1000.

Of course, the biggest differences between the 7000 and 1000 are also the most obvious: size, shape, and weight. The Niagara 7000 can be rack-mounted and measures 15.5” W x 5.24” H x 17.2” D and weighs an impressive 81lbs. The Niagara1000, however, is designed to be placed on a floor or atop a rack, beside or behind a hi-fi system, measures 4.75” W x 4.0” H x 20.0” D, and weighs a much more manageable 5.5lbs.’


Also in the system the Kudos Titan T606 £9000 floorstanding speakers.


The source was the Innous Zenith ITB SSD music server at £3000 and amplification was from the Hegel H190 at £3200

innuos zenith

Innous say this about the Zenith….

‘Pushing our popular ZENith even further, the new MK3 includes a Triple-Linear PSU with Mundorf CAPS and custom-treated SSD. Ideal for audiophiles who want a smoother, more relaxed sound with a wider soundstage.

Triple-Linear Power Supply

Inspired from the high-end power supply engineering of the SE, the ZENith Mk3 benefits from new premium Mundorf capacitors with ultra-low noise regulators and a medical-grade mains filter to provide even greater audio clarity.

Custom Motherboard

Our own custom-made Innuos motherboard is completely reworked for optimised audio performance. Sources of EMI have been removed and internal clocks optimised, resulting in a “blacker” music background and enhanced realism.

Ultra-low Noise Streamer Output

Dual-ethernet ports with isolation transformers provide an ultra-low noise network connection for your streamer, removing noise from the path and improving sound quality on all network audio.

Anti-vibration and EMI Treatment

New asymmetrical isolation feet derived from our ZENith SE plus added treatment to the chassis help to combat harmful vibration that affect a clean audio signal, with even greater treatment now applied to the SSD.

In-Memory Playback

With 4GB dedicated memory, the ZENith loads music directly to memory for playback so that it doesn’t need to engage the SSD during playback, improving sound quality.’

During one of my visits to this room Nik Bartsch was playing, and Ronin Live sounded very good indeed with a nice big articulate sound, open and detailed, with a lovely 3 dimensional soundstage. Bass had weight and scale and was nicely controlled. Music ebbing and flowing within the room in a very enjoyable way.

I have to say that hotel rooms, conference or otherwise can be a hard place to get an audio system sounding good and so far Kantata Audio and the representives of the various companies exhibiting had managed to get everything sounding very good indeed. I don’t mind saying I was impressed, and as such I expected great things from the big system in the Cottonwood room.


Before heading there I spent some time talking with Hegel Audio’s UK distributor Bill Leigh (2) and enjoyed my chat with him a lot, a very nice down to earth gent.



Within this room Kantata Audio had their big guns out in the form of a system fronted by an Innuos Statement server £9800, Hegel’s top integrated amplifier, theH 590 £9000, and the speakers were the Kudos Titan 707 at £13000. Cabling as in all the systems on demonstration throughout the show was from AudioQuest. In this system the cabling used was: Diamond, William Tell, Toranado and Hurricane. The system was housed on a Custom Design Milan Ref10 rack £619. Also in use was the impressive AudioQuest Niagra 5000 mains conditioner £3995. At the end of this room report I will do a mini review of this item.

Before that, and I talk about my sound impressions of the room lets look at the stars of the system the Innous Statement, Hegel 590 and the Kudos Titan 707 speakers.


Up first the Innous Zenith Statement £9800.

Innous say this about their top of the range two box design….

i statement‘Following on from the hugely sucessful Zenith SE, comes the Innuos Zenith Statement. A two-box digital source for high-end audiophiles.

The Innuos Zenith Statement builds on the foundations laid down by the Zenith SE but with a second, umbilically-linked box housing the transformer. This separate enclosure prevents vibrations and EMI emissions from polluting the rest of the circuit.

The Innuos Statement boasts a new power supply designed Dr. Sean Jacobs. From this power supply, eight independent power rails are extracted to independently supply each of the custom built motherboard’s critical components (CPU, hard drive etc.) There is an in-house designed USB board and ‘3ppb OCXO’ clock “for higher precision and lower phase noise”.’


The two box Statement looks the business and certainly was providing the Hegal H590 with a very high quality signal to work with. Antony Bunn-Major of Innuos was the man operating and demonstrating the Innuos Statement. Talking of which the Hegel H590 was, despite still being run in, doing a wonderful job of driving the Kudos Titan 707 speakers.

063_550x412Hegel say this about their top integrated amplifier, the H590 £9000 ….

‘H590 is the name of Hegel’s ultimate integrated amplifier. The H590 includes user friendly services such as Apple AirPlay®, while at the same time embracing ultra high performance formats like DSD. With SoundEngine 2 technology and Hegel’s finest amplifier implementation to date, the H590 really personifies our strive to bring High End to the people. The H590 uses the patented SoundEngine2 technology combined with a very high power, low distortion amplifier design. The result is unmatched dynamic capabilities while still maintaining a smooth, natural sound with all the details of the music. You will experience a huge soundstage and only want to turn the volume up, up, up and up.

The H590 is a reference amplifier throughout. From the carefully designed balanced and unbalanced inputs, with hand matched transistor pairs, ensuring minimal distortion to the delicate signal from an analog source such as a phono stage. Via the preamplifier, with its dedicated high quality power supplies and a unique volume attenuator, to the massive output stage where you will find 12 ultra-fast high power output transistors… per channel. The H590 is a beast. Many people nowadays use digital music as their main source of listening, so great care has been put into the DA-Converter, where all signals will be kept in their original form throughout. If you play high resolution or CD-format, they will all be played in their native form for best sound quality. Via the USB input, the H590 will also support high end formats like DSD. The H590 includes MQA decoding and rendering technology, which enables you to play back MQA audio files and streams, delivering you the sound of the original master recording.

The H590 is also a dream for people who are into streaming. First of all, there is Upnp streaming and second there is Hegel’s proprietary implementation of AirPlay. That means Apple Airplay user friendliness combined with the high performance Hegel sound. It does not stop there though, as the H590 is also software upgradable, and additional functionality will become available in the future. If you live in a smart home, the H590 can be a natural part of that too. With services like Control4 built in, and 2-way IP control for other smart home control systems, using the H590 can be as easy as switching on the lights. In short, while many high performance audio systems are made “only” for the enthusiast himself, the H590 is designed to give joy to the entire family.

There is ease of use and there is security. Afraid that the kids will play too loud when you are away from home? No problem. Simply set a desired maximum volume level and lock it there. The H590 can even be used to provide better sound in your Home Theater, or to combine a Theater and a system for music listening. Do you enjoy your Sonos or Bluesound app and want to use those, but without losing the sound performance of the H590? No problem. Connect them, lock the volume on the input and you are in full control using only the Sonos app (example).’

Technical Details

Power output spk: 301 w/pc into 8 Ohms, Dual Mono
Minimum Load: 2 ohms
Analog inputs: 2 balanced (XLR), 3 unbalanced (RCA)
Digital inputs: 1 coaxial (BNC), 1 coaxial (RCA), 3 optical, 1 USB, 1 Network
Digital outputs: 1 coaxial (BNC)
Line level output: 1 x unbalanced fixed (RCA), 1 x unbalanced variable (RCA)
Frequency response: 5Hz-180kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio: More than 100dB
Crosstalk: Less than -100dB
Damping factor: More than 4000 (main power output stage)
Distortion: Less than 0.005% @ 50W 8 Ohms 1kHz
Intermodulation: Less than 0.01% (19kHz + 20kHz)
Dimensions: 17,1cm x 43cm x 44,5cm (HxWxD)
Weight: 22kg (unit)
Dimensions US: 6,74″ x 16,93″ x 17,52″ (HxWxD)
Weight US: 48,51lbs (unit)’

064_412x550Kudos say this about the Titan 707 £13000 ….

‘Kudos Audio Titan 707 is a smaller, single box versions of the flagship Titan 808 loudspeaker. All three members of the Titan family feature world class drive units crafted exclusively for Kudos by renowned Norwegian specialists SEAS

In fact, all three models share the same superb quality K3 tweeter – a unique SEAS-Kudos design.  Based on SEAS legendary 29mm Crescendo K2 fabric dome tweeter, the K3 has undergone significant further development to precisely tailor its capabilities for the Kudos Titan design.  Enhanced features include an improved magnet system with copper shorting rings, a completely new resonance chamber and a new face plate profile, all engineered to deliver and even sharper, more dynamic and musically detailed performance.

The Titan 707’s twin mid-bass drivers, in contrast, are brand new and totally unique to the 707.  Their high quality hard paper cones are double coated to ensure superior stiffness while at the same time preserving the natural damping properties of paper.  The two drivers are positioned in an isobaric arrangement: the second driver is placed internally back-to-back with the first, enabling a significantly improved bass response while minimising bass distortion.


Kudos trademark minimalist, low order crossover is of course a key feature, made possible by our seamless matching of the drive units.  Alternatively the Titan 707’s crossover has been engineered such that it can be completlely by-passed in order to facilitate active operation with selected systems including Linn Exakt and Devialet Expert.

While the Titan 707 is a single-bax design (compared to the 808’s upper and lower cabinets), its bodywork remains impressively involved.  Its complex constrained layer damping in the plinth and side panels is cleverly designed to allow a stunningly convincing, true-to-life sound.’


As in the other rooms AudioQuest provided the signal, speaker and power cables, and like in Balsam system power was coming from an AudioQuest conditioner, in this case the Niagara power conditioner, 5000 model. More on that a bit later.

057_550x412I enjoyed this room’s sound, visiting it several times, and I even sat in on a ‘the difference power cables can make’ demonstration that Nick Allen of AudioQuest was giving, aided by Antony Bunn-Major of Innuos. For me there was no surprises here as the differences  better quality cables can make to the reproduction of music are well known to me. Nick Allen of AudioQuest was doing a formal demonstration by swapping out power cables from the Hegel H590, and it was clear and unabigous, that moving up the range of AudioQuest power cables brought a noticable, obvious improvement in sound quality each time it was done. The audience, some who may have been sceptical, could not have left the demonstration not knowing that better power cables make a difference.



Overall the system in Cottonwood was very enjoyable, and was expected during the course of the day to improve as the H590 was used, and ran in. I strongly expect at the end of the day anyone hearing this system would have been in for an even greater treat, than what I heard by the time I left the show.

During the time I was in the room, the system had a wide deep soundstage, with very nice instrument separation, focus and detail. There was an effortless organic quality to music, and an ease of reproduction that was very enjoyable. The way information was reproduced was both detailed and yet not spotlit – a Hegel trait I think.

On my second visit to the room Pat Metheny was playing, with tracks from his album Trio being deliciously reproduced. The interplay between guitar, bass and drums both beguiling and beautifully rendered. Later when I came back to the room tracks from Yello’s album Touch was being played.


Just after leaving the room I had a very nice chat with Dave White about Kudos speakers  and he also waxed lyrical about the AudioQuest Niagara 5000 which led to the following mini demonstration of said product.

AQ 5000g703NGARA5K-F


AudioQuest Niagara 5000 £3995

I had read about this product in Stereophile, but never thought I would see one in the flesh, never mind hear one working (albeit not in my own system, something I would like to do someday) and during the show I got to hear a brief demonstration of this products ability within the hotel environment.

Before talking about that some information from AudioQuest about this item….

‘ Boasting an instantaneous current reservoir of over 90 amps peak, the Niagara 5000 is specifically designed for today’s current-starved power amplifiers. Many AC power products featuring “high-current outlets” merely minimize current compression; the Niagara 5000 corrects it.’

Interesting, AudioQuest continue…

The science of AC power delivery is not a simple one; it demands focus, and the devil is in the details. In fact, the great increase in airborne and AC-line-transmitted radio signals, combined with overtaxed utility lines and the ever-increasing demands from high-definition audio/video components, has rendered our utilities’ AC power a somewhat antiquated technology.

Where Alternating Current (AC) is concerned, we’re relying on a century-old technology created for incandescent lights and electric motors—technology that was certainly never meant to power the sophisticated analog and digital circuits used in today’s premium audio/video systems. To properly accom-modate the promise of today’s ever-increasing bandwidth and dynamic range, we must achieve extraordinarily low noise across a very wide range of frequencies.

Further, today’s power amplifiers are being taxed for instantaneous peak-current demand, even when they’re driven at modest volumes. Although we have seen a substantial increase in dynamics from much of our audio software, the loudspeakers we employ to reproduce them are often no more efficient than they were two to four decades ago. This places great demands on an amplifier’s power supply, as well as the source AC power supplying it.

audio Q 5000Our systems’ sensitive components need better alternating current—a fact that has resulted in a host of AC power conditioning, isolation transformer, regeneration amplifier, and battery back-up system topologies. Through differential sample tests and spectrum analysis, it can be proven that up to a third of a high-resolution (low-level) audio signal can be lost, masked, or highly distorted by the vast levels of noise riding along the AC power lines that feed our components. This noise couples into the signal circuitry as current noise and through AC ground, permanently distorting and/or masking the source signal.

Given that the stakes are so high, all sincere attempts to solve this problem must be applauded. Once the audio/video signal is gone, it’s gone forever…

AQ5000-2For AudioQuest, honoring the source is never a matter of simply using premium “audiophile-grade parts” or relying on a proprietary technology—common approaches within our community. For years, we have all been witness to the same, seemingly endless audiophile debates: valves versus transistors; analog versus digital; can cables really make a difference?; and on and on. While we, too, can brag about our many unique technologies, we realize that true audio/video optimization is never a matter of any one secret or exotic circuit. When it comes to noise filtering for AC power, many approaches can yield meaningful results. However, these approaches may also impart ringing, current compression, and non-linear distortions that can render the cure worse than the disease!


Though it’s easy to tout a given technology, it’s quite another thing to create a solution that is consistent, holistic, functional, and that honors verifiable science. It’s not enough to reduce AC line noise and its associated distortions at just one octave, thus leaving vulnerable the adjacent octaves and octave partials to noise, resonant peaking, or insufficient noise reduction. Consistency is key. We should never accept superior resolution in one octave, only to suffer from masking effects a half-octave away and ringing artifacts two octaves from there. This is the principal criterion for AudioQuest’s Low-Z Power Noise-Dissipation System.

The Niagara 5000 represents over 20 years of exhaustive research and proven AC power products designed for audiophiles, broadcast engineers, and professional-audio applications. Every conceivable detail has been addressed: In the Niagara 5000, you’ll find optimized radio-frequency lead directionality, capacitor run-in forming technologies developed by Jet Propulsion Laboratories and NASA, and AC inlet and outlet contacts with heavy silver plating over extreme-purity copper, assuring the tightest grip possible.

A great system is built from a solid foundation, and that foundation starts with power. With an AudioQuest Niagara 5000, you’ll experience for the first time the clarity, dimensionality, frequency extension, dynamic contrast, and grip your system has always been capable of delivering—if only the power had been right!

We welcome you to experience the Niagara 5000 and hear firsthand the remarkable results of highly optimized power management: startlingly deep silences, stunning dynamic freedom, outstanding retrieval of ambience cues, and gorgeous delineation of instruments and musicians in space. Once you’ve experienced it, it may seem so elegant, so logical, and so obvious that you find yourself wondering why it hadn’t been done before.’


Nick Allen of AudioQuest, after Dave White said I was interested in hearing what the 5000 could do, and who earlier had been demonstrating the sound improvements available by moving up the various AudioQuest power cables, very kindly offered to let me hear what the Niagara could do. As Yello Touch was being used, the track ‘Till Tomorrow’  was played with the 5000’s  Transient Power Correction Circuit switched in and out, via a ‘power correction’ switch on the back of the Niagara.


The difference between the switch engaged was dramatic, effecting the entire way music was reproduced. Engaged the sound stage was wider, deeper and instrument separation and focus much improved. The way small details hung in the soundstage with dimensionality was impressive as was the way certain instrumental parts of the track gained weight, scale and lost some degree of forward edginess present when the ‘Engaged swich’ was at off. Frankly the collapse of soundstage, the reduction in detail retreaval, and the forwardness and slight harshness present without the  Transient Power Correction Circuit on, made a very compelling justification for the presence of the AudioQuest Niagara 5000 in this room.

Now I deliberately say ‘this room’ because I have not heard this product in my own system (I would love to review it) so I can’t definitively say this will perform this way, and to this degree in every system and environment, but on the brief showing here I walked away impressed and wanting to hear it again. Thank you Dave White for suggesting, and asking that Nick Allen do the demonstration.


074_550x412Well what a very enjoyable, and interesting show this was, sure it was small, but it managed to do a lot that some of the much bigger shows I have attented over the years have failed to do and that is make enjoyable music, and in rooms that would be challenging to good music reproduction. What we have here is excellent products, set up well and thoughtfully demonstrated making beautiful music.

Well done John Stirling of Kantata Audio, Bill Leigh, Nick Allen, Antony Bunn-Major, Dave White and Fredrick of Lejonklou.  Also I have to say that Kantata Audio’s helpers also made visiting the show a very pleasant experience.

Being very frank this event has set the bar high for my experience at any future shows I attend, whether dealer organised or other.

For those that missed this show, you missed a cracking good day.





Kantata Audio – https://www.kantata-audio.co.uk/

AudioQuest – https://www.audioquest.com/

Innuos – http://www.innuos.com/en

Hegel – https://www.hegel.com/

Kudos Audio – https://kudosaudio.com/

Lejonklou – https://www.lejonklou.com/#categorieshttps://www.bluesound.com/

Blue Sound – https://www.bluesound.com/

Aqua Acoustics – https://www.aquahifi.com/

Metrum Acoustics – https://metrumacoustics.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn4DmtO6s4QIVUOh3Ch1P7w1bEAAYASAAEgIB__D_BwE&cn-reloaded=1


(1) Audioquest DragonFly Red review – http://www.adventuresinhifiaudio.com/11/12/2018/audioquest-dragonfly-red-diminutive-super-star/

(2) Bill Leigh also runs Auden Distribution – http://www.audendistribution.co.uk/

© Text Copyright 2019 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. All photos Adventures in High Fidelity Audio, except manufactuer images and Kantata Audio

NB No part or portion of this article may be reproduced or quoted without written permission from AIHFA.


The Wam HiFi Show March 16/17 2019 – Kegworth Hotel Packington Hill Kegworth

March 2019 saw the HiFi Wigwam enthusiasts audio show in its second year at its new location, having moved from Melton Mowbray (the show at that location was fondly referred to as the ‘Pie Show’) to its new location at Kegworth in 2018. Unlike other audio shows on the UK show callender the ‘Wam’ show is not a show focussing on current HiFi products, an industry show case, but on the equipment forum members own, use and collect.

Unable to attend myself I am grateful to Jerry (jandl100) for giving consent to re publishing his photos of the show, to present a photo show report for a wider audience. Jerry’s photos represent a snap shot of the show, and not all the exhibitors rooms.





The Wam Show Room 106_492x243



























© Text Copyright 2019 Adventures in High Fidelity Audio. All photos Jerry (jandl100) Copyright. 

NB No part or portion of this article may be reproduced or quoted without written permission from AIHFA and Jerry (jandl100).

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