
Author Archives: Real HD-Audio

2021: It’s Been A Tough Year

Those of you who have followed my musings on all things relating to high-end audio may have noticed that I haven’t written new blog in over 6 months. As we approach the end of 2021, I thought I would write about the year in review and explain why I’ve avoided posting new articles to this site. It’s not because there is a shortage of high-end audio topics to discuss.

(Visited 1,258 times)

24 Hours to Go!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the Kickstarter campaign for A User Guide to Streaming, Downloads, and Personal Audio ends at 8 am PDT tomorrow. The original $10,000 goal was met after only two weeks and an additional 50% has been added since then. The first stretch goal was met a few days ago. Every backer will receive an AIX Records sampler – either a Blu-ray disc or the iTrax/Sprint downloadable sampler.

(Visited 75 times)

Whom Can You Trust?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a piece about the “cozy” relationship between some reviewers, audiophile websites, and the manufacturers that pay for the advertising on those sites or otherwise “sponsor” them. I heard from a number of readers who agreed that finding a trustworthy source of information can be very challenging. They asked what sources or websites I trust and would recommend. So I’ve listed a few of the best sources…

(Visited 127 times)

Summer Is Finally Here!

It’s been a very challenging semester. The shutdown of face-to-face classroom instruction caused no end of headaches, compromises in the quality of teaching, and some serious doubts about tests and grading. I just finished grading 55 final exams in one […]

(Visited 206 times)

HD-Audio Challenge II: Update

It’s incredibly gratifying to see the list of submissions for the HD-Audio Challenge II grow past 400! Everyday, my email includes dozens of people asking if it’s too late to participate. I respond by forwarding the credentials to download the […]

(Visited 447 times)

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