
Brit Row Brings Outline Newton to MTV Europe Awards

London, UK (April 29, 2020)—London-based Britannia Row Productions no sooner bought Outline Newton multi-source audio processors than it put them to use as the front-end matrix for the audio systems the company provided for Brit Awards at London’s 02 Arena and the MTV Europe Music Awards in Seville.

Britannia Row’s technical projects manager Josh Lloyd was system technician for both events and explained, “The most important features for us when deciding upon the Outline Newton were its small form factor with such a high I/O count, the wide scope for redundancy with dual PSUs, multiple layers of redundancy on the inputs, its unique approach to switching if an input is lost and the fact that it can SRC the wide range of digital formats it takes in.

“On both MTV and the Brits, the Newtons were used as the front-end matrix for the audio system, taking inputs from both the presenter and band consoles in multiple formats to give us true redundancy, so MADI, Dante, AES and analog were all used simultaneously.”

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“With the complex system design and show layout, being able to take in large groups of inputs in multiple formats was a winner,” he added. The Newton, as used for those projects, replaced multiple units which previously had to be cascaded, eliminated clocking issues and also provided an overview of everything going on, all within one page of the software.

Lloyd concludes, “The Newton having proved itself on two large scale, international televised events has shown that with its flexibility it could be used on a wide variety of our projects and it will be my go-to choice for these events moving forward.”

Outline • https://outline.it/

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