Dear Audio Aficionado,
I was responsible for importing about three dozen audio vendors and feel I know what sound is and what not. So I developed this lotion with the help of some tech guys from another side of the world.
The main wonders were a) it works and b) it is not made of vodka.
I personally never believed it worked. But those crazy guys tested and tested, called me and cried: “Vow… Vow.. Now I have a billion dollar system. CDs sound like vinyl”.
One day I got bored of all this and said: “Well. I quit the IT business and start producing this stuff”.
This is the beginning of the CHISTO story. The story of Disk Analoguer and Easy Groove vinyl care products.
Later we looked at analogue record cleaning from different angles and found that new records also need special treatment. We continued developing products for static elimination and screen cleaning that were prized by high-end authorities like our mentor Mark Levinson.
With love,
Yuri Zamazeev,
Chisto Founder