
Stroom announces debut LP by Susannah Stark

Inspired by mysticism, meditation and the power of voice.

Stroom is releasing the debut album by Scottish artist Susannah Stark, called Time Together (Hues and Intensities), this November.

Its 7-tracks were inspired by mysticism as well as Stark’s explorations of sound as a central element of her artistic works – with meditative synths, ethereal vocals and field recording loops.

“These songs, formed out of vocal improvisation and exploration into different dimensions of softness in relation to the voice – a longstanding interest for the artist – focus on a heightened sensory experience of voice blended with keyboard synths, resonating trumpets, distorted percussion, guitar feedback, samples and field recordings,” shares Stroom.

Time Together (Hues and Intensities) follows Stroom’s release of Hessel Veldman’s Eigen Boezem LP.

Pre-order a copy here in advance of its 3rd November release, check out the cover artwork and tracklist below.


1. Saturn
2. Dear Beloved Friend
3. Reprise
4. This Is For Us
5. Remind You
6. Can Of Worms
7. Unnatural Wealth

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