
The Occasional Magazine Volume 6 | Now Available!

Part-Time Audiophile

They say that the magpie is the cleverest of all birds. They say it also has quite an eye for bright and shiny toys. This time through, our magpie has found all manner of shiny things for your perusal and enjoyment. Say hello to The Occasional Magazine Volume 6! Volume #6 brings reviews of gear from Pass and McIntosh, VAC and Sumiko, ZYX and Living Voice, Bryston and Acoustical Systems. There’s also a musical trip to Venice, Omega’s classic followup to the Moonwatch, several glasses of Montepulciano, a rare smoke from Cohiba, major wood from Fern & Roby, and our friend Modest develops a taste for cryo. You can download the latest volume of The Occasional Magazine here. And don’t forget to check out the last several issues — including our Buyer’s Guides!

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