
VPI Industries introduces VPI Direct and HW-40 Foot Trade

Part-Time Audiophile

CLIFFWOOD, NJ (PTA) — Just a few minutes after close of business on Wednesday March 18th 2020, Mat Weisfeld (VPI Industries President) hosted a Facebook live stream video to maintain contact with the extended VPI family of customers, who like many of us are still getting used to preemptive self-quarantining. The focus of the live stream was to promote the HW-40 Foot Trade program, along with introducing the convenient new VPI Direct website. The Feet The HW-40 Foot Trade currently works like this, “Turn your legacy product anew with a simple at-home upgrade. By trading your old feet you can breathe new soul into your music with the new HW-40 reference isolation feet. Once you receive your new set of HW-40 Reference Isolation Feet simply put your old feet into the same packaging and send it back to us. Once we receive your old feet, we will send you a $200 Mail-In Rebate!” VPI Direct As for the VPI Direct website, there hasn’t yet been a formal press release sent out to the VPI family, so specific details are still yet to come. From taking a tour of the website I found many VPI Industries products and parts that are […]

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