
Interview in Professional Sound: The Lack of Meaningful Loudspeaker & Headphone Specs

Last October,  I was in Toronto giving a presentation to the local AES section on the perception and measurement of headphones. After the talk, I sat down with Mike Raine from  Professional Sound for an interview. Some of what we discussed is summarized in this article called Sound Advice.

The theme of article is a recurring one that I’ve discussed before in this blog (see “The Science and Marketing of Sound Quality” and “What Loudspeaker Specifications are Relevant to Sound Quality?“).  The bottom line is that the loudspeaker and headphone industry has utterly failed to provide consumers meaningful product specifications that indicate how truly good (or bad) the products sound. Read on to find out why.

Interview in Professional Sound: The Lack of Meaningful Loudspeaker & Headphone Specs

Last October,  I was in Toronto giving a presentation to the local AES section on the perception and measurement of headphones. After the talk, I sat down with Mike Raine from  Professional Sound for an interview. Some of what we discussed is summarized in this article called Sound Advice.

The theme of article is a recurring one that I’ve discussed before in this blog (see “The Science and Marketing of Sound Quality” and “What Loudspeaker Specifications are Relevant to Sound Quality?“).  The bottom line is that the loudspeaker and headphone industry has utterly failed to provide consumers meaningful product specifications that indicate how truly good (or bad) the products sound. Read on to find out why.

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