
Podcast #974: Roku vs FireTV and the Top 5 Object Based Surround (ATMOS) Movies

On today’s show we take a look at the Top Ten most watched shows on Youtube, we compare Roku vs FireTV and DJ Briggs of The Brightside of Home Theater gives us his top five Object Based Audio (ATMOS) movies to give your home theater system a workout. All that plus your emails and news of the week!

Podcast #974: Roku vs FireTV and the Top 5 Object Based Surround (ATMOS) Movies

On today’s show we take a look at the Top Ten most watched shows on Youtube, we compare Roku vs FireTV and DJ Briggs of The Brightside of Home Theater gives us his top five Object Based Audio (ATMOS) movies to give your home theater system a workout. All that plus your emails and news of the week!

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