
S.M.S.L SP-200 THX AAA-888 Headphone Amplifier

For the longest time, getting your hands on a headphone amplifier featuring THX technology was a headache. There were previously only three headphone amplifiers that included THX’s groundbreaking technology, the most popular of the three had notoriously inconsistent availability, leaving many adopters with long wait times. But now, THX technology is readily available for the price of $289, thanks to S.M.S.L with their new SP-200 THX AAA-888 headphone amplifier. You might be confused, “Isn’t THX the theater company with the loud crescendo that plays before the start of some movies?” Yes, but THX also develops audio great technologies in the present day. An excerpt from the product listing briefly explains what THX can do in this field with their technology.
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