
Triangle Borea BR03 Loudspeakers

Note: Measurements taken in the anechoic chamber at Canada’s National Research Council can be found through this link.

Reviewers' ChoiceAs their logo reveals, French manufacturer Triangle Manufacture Electroacoustique named itself for the simplest musical instrument — but did they also consider that triangle has the same meaning in at least two languages? This occurred to me a few weeks ago while sitting at the anechoic chamber of Canada’s National Research Council, helping SoundStage! founder-publisher Doug Schneider measure some speakers, including the Triangle BR03. Doug and Randy, the NRC technician taking the measurements, stared at the BR03 and said, almost simultaneously, “I wonder why a French company named themselves Triangle?” I, the only French Canadian in the group, responded with a coy smile: “You do know, guys, that in French, triangle means . . . triangle?” My fellow Canadians looked somewhat embarrassed.

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